"A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" was one of those defining memes of Canadian elections 2015. It was also one of the base principles of Bill C6, which asserted that Canadian citizenship cannot be revoked no matter what!
This forum discussed and continues to discuss C-6 from a procedural and administrative standpoint, and rightly so. However, the discussion on revocation of someone's citizenship thereof deviates sharply from this tradition, more of a quantum leap!
Normally forums like this are meant to discuss procedures, probably not politics, and definitely not propaganda!
One cannot stop Individuals from posting their agenda in this forum, I request forum members not to enable and encourage them. It would be nothing but a continuing Bill C6++ or Bill C6 Lite discussion with a political twist.
A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian, does not matter if he or she is born Canadian or naturalized Canadian or even an honorary one! Let us try and keep it that way....
This forum discussed and continues to discuss C-6 from a procedural and administrative standpoint, and rightly so. However, the discussion on revocation of someone's citizenship thereof deviates sharply from this tradition, more of a quantum leap!
Normally forums like this are meant to discuss procedures, probably not politics, and definitely not propaganda!
One cannot stop Individuals from posting their agenda in this forum, I request forum members not to enable and encourage them. It would be nothing but a continuing Bill C6++ or Bill C6 Lite discussion with a political twist.
A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian, does not matter if he or she is born Canadian or naturalized Canadian or even an honorary one! Let us try and keep it that way....