
!! I wouldn't be surprised if you admit that you are just a teenager (mindset-wise), and never experienced the hardships that a person must in his/her lifetime. You absolutely dread hardships, misery and poverty, don't you? Always looking for greener pastures, aren't you?
What a pity!! I can't stop laughing, when you compare Canada to a milch cow,

. Do some research, and you'll know that the third world is, in fact, the milch cow. It is from us that the marrow of life is sucked, and finally the residual garbage is hurled onto.
Express entry is for Skilled Workers who can contribute to Canadian economy, and you clearly don't belong here. You just want an interesting place to live in, with your huge savings, in an interesting place where the poor immigrants guard you (as security-guards), serve you delicious food as waiters, get your iPad fixed as skilled technicians, and provide you with finely laundered clothes. Lol, a big lol
