hello friends, i got a invite to apply for my parents

indeed a very good news for my family !
as this is a long thread has anyone summarized does or donts for the application?
any input for starting the application will be much appreciated.
A short summary
1. Collect preceding 3 years NOA form your MY CRA account. If your spouse is Co-signer, also collect his/her NOAs.
2. Collect your parents Passport, Photos, Identity proof, Marriage certificate, Your birth certificate, Your familiy's PR/Citizenship proofs, Your acceptance e-mail with bar code.
3. Complete all forms as mention din check list. Make sure you submit certain forms , individually for both parents
4. Arrange everything as per Check List.
5. Send it through courier or Canada post. Note the addresses are different for each. If using Canada Post, there is an option for some text message for receiving confirmation for piece of mind, use that.
Wait for AOR form IRCC ( will take 30-40 days ) and then Sponsorship approval ( 20 more days). If they will need any additional documents, they will send an email in between. Need of additional document can delay the SA process. After that CIC will send the application to your home country visa office or Ottawa.