U need to have 67 points out of 100Hello..
I have already created my EE profile and have entered five and half years experience. All my experience is in one NOC (2112). My first two job accounts for two and half years while the third one is exactly for three years.
So, I would like to know whether it would be a good idea to move first two jobs into personal history and include only the last three years experience?
Quite a few of members have suggested me that one should always provide minimal documentation after satisfying the eligibility criteria, may be because it will save a lot of effort on my part by not having to worry about arranging documentation for those periods and on CIC's part also, as they will have to only verify only three years experience.
Also, I am bit confused with calculating the duration of my work experience. I am following duration as three years. please correct me if I m wrong.
Job Start date: 03/01/2013
Job End date: 02/01/2016
I would like to thank all the forum members for being immensely helpful in applying on my own...
Thanks a lot...
Dr. Amit Trivedi
if with 3 years of experience u get 67 points or more (and is likely to get ita before ur point drop on account of subsequent birthday) then it is absolutely better to move anything more than 3 years to personal history...
Work exp is calculate month to month and assuming u are giving dd/mm/yr (and not mm/dd/yr format)your 3 years is complete...