Thanks, is there a way that I can work?
Technically yes - but it's pretty much certain you won't be successful.
First, you'll need to find an employer who is willing to offer you a job in Canada.
Next, that employer will need to advertise the job for at least a month to prove no Canadian could be found for the role.
Once that's done, the employer will need to pay a $1000 fee and submit something called an LMIA application to request approval to hire you.
Next, the employer will need to wait 2-4 months for the LMIA application to be processed.
If the LMIA application is approved, then you can apply for a work permit. Note that not all LMIAs are approved.
To be brutally honest, you're not going to find an employer willing to go through the LMIA process for a part time high school student job. First of all, the process is extremely long and expensive for the employer. Secondly, the employer is going to have a very hard time proving they couldn't hire a Canadian for the job given your age, lack of experience and level of education. So even if some employer decides to go ahead with the LMIA, I think refusal is pretty much guaranteed.
You should assume you will not be able to work while you are in Canada as a high school student.