I need help

We really cant link our application. Is there a possible way where we could talk to an agent? We cant find any numbers in the website. And if in case we wont be having a chance to link the application anymore as we only have a day left to do it, will it affect or slow down the processing?
We received the aor on aug 11 and in our account it says "in process".
Thank you in advance
This is based from one good member in April application forum:
Try giving those a try:
1. Log in with GC Key account
2. Permanent Residence - Family Class (Spouses)
2. Application Number and Family Name - Copy/paste application number from email (including the F) and enter PA's last name
3. City of Birth - enter 1 space (hit spacebar once)
4. Country of Birth - Select PA's country of birth
5. Passport Info - Do not enter any passport info
6. Other Application Info - Fill out the other application info as per your application and put '2' as the number of members in the application for sponsor + spouse (add +1 per dependents)
1. Log in with GCKey account
2. Permanent Residence - Family Class (Spouses)
3. Application Number and Unique Client Identifier (UCI) - Insert application number and UCI from email
4. City of Birth - Insert PA's City of Birth
5. Country of Birth - Select PA's Country of birth
6. Passport Info - Insert Passport number, issuance and expiration info
7. Other Application Info - Fill out the other application info as per your application (Province, City and marital status) and put '2' as the number of members in the application for sponsor + spouse (add +1 per dependent, if any)
8. Click on the 'Search for my application' tab
9. Then on 'Link my application' tab
1. Log in with GCKey account
2. Permanent Residence - Family Class (Spouses)
3. Application Number and Unique Client Identifier (UCI) - Insert application number and UCI from email
4. City of Birth - Insert PA's City of Birth (LEFT THIS BLANK)
5. Country of Birth - Select PA's Country of birth (LEFT THIS BLANK)
6. Passport Info - Insert Passport number, issuance and expiration info
7. Other Application Info - Fill out the other application info as per your application (Province, City and marital status) and put '2' as the number of members in the application for sponsor + spouse (add +1 per dependent, if any)
8. Click on the 'Search for my application' tab
9. Then on 'Link my application' tab
It's also good that you've submitted a report on that issue. They usually take a while before they respond and/or fix the issue.
Not really sure if not linking it online will slow down the process.
They have a number on their website that u can call only if you're in canada. Many applicants say their number for outside canada is somewhat not working.