I have the same dilemma of choosing between Dubai and Canada. I moved to Dubai from Jordan 4 years ago. I was broke and in debt. Now at 35, I`m a director in a big firm and make in a month more than what I used to make in a year back home. I love Dubai, It has been good to me. It elevated my life style and carer path big time. My only concern is what would happen if I lose my job in Dubai. The world economy is always at stack. No one knows what the future holds in terms of job stability and my main fear is to end up going back home. I love my country, dont get me wrong, but cant stand the backward thinking of the majority, political corruption, poverty, unemployment, racism etc...and want to ensure that my kids will have a better environment to grow than the one I had. I received my PR as a Skilled Immigrant recently and have to choose on whether to drop my high position and take a leap of faith or stay here for the money and lifestyle and lose on the chance of gaining a citizenship that will give me an adequate human rights. I worked hard for my job and I know it will probably take me another decade to get a similar position in Canada. I lived in Europe and I loved it, but never been to Canada and although it looks beautiful on Youtube Im not sure if I`m going to like it. I heard Dr. and engineers end up working at McDonald, which freaks me out. Again, dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with side jobs to support your self and family, but it is not easy for someone who invested years of his life studying and building a carer to throw it all away. Not sure how this will impact my insanity ...
An insight from someone with a similar situation/experience is highly appreciated.
well it depends on what matters more in life... trust me there is no right or wrong answer - It depends on who you are and what you want in life
migrating to a different country is a major lifechanging step... you need to think long and hard before you make any decisions.
Let me make one thing very clear which not a lot of people have highlighted - The fruits of immigration are rarely enjoyed by the applicants, its extremely rare... immigration is something which is helpful more for your children... So when you are making a decision to migrate or not - Think in terms of what is best for your children, not for yourself... Becoz most of us who apply average around 30-32 years, it will take years for us to integrate and carve a niche for yourself in a new country... by that time you are halfway to retirement anyway. Its really your kids and their kids who benefit.
Ive lived in India almost all my life, been in UAE for like 7 years, trust me I love UAE... the money and the lifestyle here is something which is hard to match. You can travel the world and almost any destination is a direct flight away... Like yourself even i was in debt when i came here, and now I can pretty much buy whatever i feel like - whenever i feel like... But I have seen the other side also, when you lose your job, and are searching desparately to find a better or atleast an equivalent job, otherwise you pack your bags and go home - thats hardly any stability. Its much harder to go back to India and live there, after getting used to the life here
You also have to remember there is no guarantee that canada will be kind to you... What is guaranteed is the struggle... but if you play your cards right, have right expectations and with a little bit of luck , i'm sure most of us will make it there... You will never earn as much in Canada (most times half or less) as you will here... but its a question of what is more important you know...
Keep in mind that most friends who have kids living here are worried that their kids are too soft or too protected - maid does everything for you, parents do the remaining parts, they are not really ready for a harsh life outside... whether they will be prepared to take on the world at a later stage is a tough question to answer.
Final thing to remember is retirement - at the age of 50 (Lets say 50 instead of 60) would you really want to be back in Jordan to spend the remaining years of your life ?? with poor healthcare and all that... ?
Anyway like I said there is no one correct answer, and for everyone their priorities are different.... But try looking at the big picture, think about yourself and your family - think about whats best for them and choose whatever makes sense