At the point of entry, on first landing, What exactly do they mean by list of goods ? Do I even have to list down items like clothes, items of personal use like a tooth brush or say shaving blades and an electric shaver ?
You have to list everything you don't want to get charged customs duty on. That being said, you don't necessarily need to list every individual item of clothing.
I listed expensive/valuable things in detail, and clubbed everything else together. For example, I listed
1. 8 boxes of clothes
2. 8 boxes of books
3. Macbook Pro 15" serial number - xxxxxxx
4. 65" Samsung 4K TV serial number -xxxxx
5. Denon receiver model XXX serial number xxxxx
6. 5 boxes of shoes
and so on. The more expensive the item, the more detail I provided. For jewelry and watches (expensive watches), I took color photos of everything and attached them to the list.
You have to provide a total CAD value of everything you're bringing in. You're allowed to bring in as much as you like when you first enter (as long as it's all for your personal use - you can't say you're bringing 50 brand new laptops without CBSA getting suspicious).
In summary, the more expensive the item, the more you need to be careful while describing it.