There is a flaw in this calculation. How have you come up with the 'Average no. of applicant inflow per day : 150'?
Is the average number based on the CIC data released as of June 22?
Have you included the average number of applicants entering the express entry pool with CRS 401 and above only?
Please find below the data released by CIC.
Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of June 22, 2017
CRS Score Range Number of Candidates
601-1200 355
451-600 2,216
441-450 809
431-440 1,082
421-430 1,172
Let me give you an average based on just the data mentioned as of Jun 22.
We had a draw on May 31 with CRS cut off as 413, which basically means after the draw happened on May 31, the number of active applicants with a CRS score of 413 and above in the Express Entry Pool is 0 as on May 31, 2017.
For calculation easiness, I am considering only the data of applicants above 421 CRS as of June 22.
On May 31 2017, 0 applicants above CRS 421 and above
On Jun 22 2017, 5634 (355+2216+809+1082+1172) applicants with CRS 421 and above
So based on the above 2 points, in 22 days (from May 31 to Jun 22) 5634 applicants entered the pool with CRS 421 and above.
Hence, Average no. of applicants entered EE pool per day with a CRS of 421 and above = 5634/22 = 256
1) The average includes those who have improved their scores + new applicants.
2) The average is a bit on the higher side than usual as the June 6 changes were implemented during this timeframe.
I am using data which is being published by CIC from March 2017 till date for my calculations and the average intake per day to the Express Entry pool for CRS 421 and above is approximately 215.
Hi Abhishek,
Although your calculations look good for last draw, I do not agree (respectfully of course!!!).
I would like to share few more numbers to support my opinion (YES. I am that crazy to keep track of all this ... LOL):
601-1200 355
451-600 2216
441-450 809
431-440 1082
421-430 1172
411-420 1968
401-410 4432
601-1200 143
451-600 656
441-450 226
431-440 295
421-430 206
411-420 1878
401-410 4112
601-1200 229
451-600 704
441-450 229
431-440 245
421-430 303
411-420 2248
401-410 3994
601-1200 113
451-600 1023
441-450 318
431-440 462
421-430 453
411-420 2003
401-410 3942
Consider following cut-offs :
May 4 : 423 CRS
May 17 : 415 CRS
May 31 : 413 CRS
Considering these cut-offs it is safe to assume that the draws that happened on May 12 and May 26 had only NEW candidates above 420 (considering May 4 draw with CRS 423 close enough to 420
So new candidates added in May 17 draw above 420 = 229+704+229+245+303 = 1710
May 17 draw happned 13 days after previous draw.
So number of candidates added above 420 per day = 131
Lets consider new candidates added in May 26 draw above 420 = 143+656+226+295+206 = 1526
May 17 draw happened 14 days after previous draw.
So number of candidates added above 420 per day = 109
Coming to my "pessimist" prediction considering 2 week draws with around 3500 ITA's:
July 12 : CRS 432+-2
July 26 : CRS 420+-2