You know, it seems true what you said, but reality can be different. When you have a temporary residence, you need to check your permit and "if they don't accept me this time?" (4 temporary permit for me)
As you said, we have a history in Canada and CIC decision can affect our entire life. Some inland had children here, landed in Canada many years ago (like me), our future is more incertain than outland. If we don't have our PR, our dreams which are already beginning will fail miserably. As I said, I live in Canada since I have 17 years old. I'm now 22. I had my first job here, my first appartment, my first boyfriend, my first mistakes and troubles etc...I did my immigration alone, so for me, Canada is my country.
Could you picture if I must come back to France? It's not my country anymore!
Each inland applicant have his history with Canada. When you taste this freedom, it can be really hard to step back because you're not "elligible".
Plus, you need to figure something: we are not free. We must respect our permit conditions (work hours, no studies...) and be considere as a " immigrant" Since the beginning of the process, I lost 3 jobs. I passed the exam, they offered me a job but"oh you haven't a PR"...No but I have a open work permit..."it's not the same thing"...Same thing with studies.
Life isn't always pink