doge said:
Thanks, Layla, I would like to ask you about one thing. What does your "Additional Document" section say online?
Mine has been saying "We need additional documents to process your application. Check your messages below for details" since CIC's website upgrade on Jun 6th. But there is no additional message below..
Okay, forget about the greyed out part..I just got a response from one of their agent through email telling me that "We do not require any information from you at the present time".
It seems that they have not yet fixed their system glitch.
Sorry for my late reply doge. I haven't been able to reply to your message as I get an error for some reason

I'll try without quoting from your message.
My status in said section is something like "additional documents you sent are being reviewed" even though I never submitted any additional docs. I hope I get some update by the end of this month! I wish you the best!!