Lets not spend time on loosers.. appreciate your assistance in our FAQ list. This is what I have. Append your comments to this
1. Where can we find the round of invitation
2. How can you be sure about the cut-off / Invitation numbers
No one is sure (for that matter maybe not even CIC). It is just our prediction based on nothing (or something). You can take it if you want or post your predictions
3. I have not received letter of invitation even though I have my score greater than cutoff
You will receive it shortly. Usually CIC sends it within 24 hours. (Maybe they dislike your face so taking time

4. My CRS is XXX, do I have a chance in the next draw?
Check the current CIC cutoff from #1. See where you stand from the list below having scores distribution. Make your own assumptions and post it here (also remember this is a Ray of Hope thread so spread the light)