I feel sorry for you mate. I was at the same position, the result was exactly as yours: L8 R6.5 S7 W7.5, this time I did retake the IELTS, now 16 june we will see what happens, although this is my 3rd attempt, hope this time result will be good. My only worry is Writing part, but I guess I did well that too. Hope to get 7 in Writing. The rest, I hope, could be L8, R7.5 or 8, S7.5 or 8.Even I am crying for the same mate. It is paining for me. I got L-8,R-6.5,S-7 & W 7.5 and CRS score was 390. As my IELTS score was expired couple of weeks ago, I wrote IELTS last week.
I thought of doing good this attempt. Somehow, it was collapsed. I did my Listening, Reading & Writing well (Definitely, I will score L->8 to 8.5::: R->8 to 8.5:::: Writing->7 to 7.5).
In speaking, I didn't do Part-2 & Part-3 well. Only error is Cohesion & Coherence was completely deviated during my speaking time..I had realized that I spoke irrelevant out of the questions asked to me. If my score is >= 7 in speaking, then I will get 447 in CRS. After I did my speaking, my confidence level has gone down. My score is going to be 6 to 6.5. My IELTS result date is 16-June-2017 i.e., this week. The score is going to be in the range (380 - 390). I am fed up completely. I thought of scoring more this time. I am afraid to re-take IELTS also.
Best of luck to everyone, and hope you will get 7 in Speaking part )))))