Hello All,
There's something that's puzzling me a bit.
In the Document Checklist for the application, it mentions that:
1). Photocopy of both sides of PR Card
2). Photocopies of two (2) pieces of Identification
3). Photocopies of biographical pages of Passport
Now my question is, if in my application, i submit ONE copy of PRC, ONE copy of Health Card and ONE copy of Passport - would it fulfill all the three conditions mentioned above.
Cause Point (2) asks for two pieces of Identification, and i am trying to hit two birds with one stone, by giving PRC under (1) and thinking it fulfills part of criteria for point 2 also. Hope i am clear here.
Please do let me know. Apart from this, all set and plan to submit application tomorrow.
Thanks in advance to all the contributors to this thread !!