Hello everyone,
I'm running the marathon of the preparation of all the documents to apply after receiving the Invitation To Apply.
The problem is with the bank letter.
The Government requests for a bank letter stating the balance of the last six months.
Now when I've got the letter from the bank it did, because I've got the letter on May 15th, and the letter stated the balance of the "last" 6 months at that time: so of April, March, Feb, Jan, Dec, and Nov.
However, things got complicated and it took more time to get all the documents. So now I'm in June, I have almost 3 weeks left to apply.
But if I apply now, my bank letter will NOT show the balance of the last 6 months, because May 2017 is not mentioned.
I would apply now in June, and my letter will show the balance from Nov 2016 to April 2017.
1) Is it still valid? Or do I have to get a new updated letter?
Finally, last question:
The other bank in which I have the other account, refused to write the last 6 months balances on the letter itself. I went to two branches, they both refused. There is no way. They only released the letter with all the info requested, excluding the balances. They said they can only release the monthly statements.
So I have: • the letter (with no balances) dated May 15 2017 • The statements printed in Black and White and stamped from the bank from November 2016 to April 2017 • And an electronic PDF color statement that I downloaded for the month of May 2017 (to add at the package, as now we're in June)
2) Will this be valid? Or should the balances be stated on the letter itself?
Thank you so much!
I'm running the marathon of the preparation of all the documents to apply after receiving the Invitation To Apply.
The problem is with the bank letter.
The Government requests for a bank letter stating the balance of the last six months.
Now when I've got the letter from the bank it did, because I've got the letter on May 15th, and the letter stated the balance of the "last" 6 months at that time: so of April, March, Feb, Jan, Dec, and Nov.
However, things got complicated and it took more time to get all the documents. So now I'm in June, I have almost 3 weeks left to apply.
But if I apply now, my bank letter will NOT show the balance of the last 6 months, because May 2017 is not mentioned.
I would apply now in June, and my letter will show the balance from Nov 2016 to April 2017.
1) Is it still valid? Or do I have to get a new updated letter?
Finally, last question:
The other bank in which I have the other account, refused to write the last 6 months balances on the letter itself. I went to two branches, they both refused. There is no way. They only released the letter with all the info requested, excluding the balances. They said they can only release the monthly statements.
So I have: • the letter (with no balances) dated May 15 2017 • The statements printed in Black and White and stamped from the bank from November 2016 to April 2017 • And an electronic PDF color statement that I downloaded for the month of May 2017 (to add at the package, as now we're in June)
2) Will this be valid? Or should the balances be stated on the letter itself?
Thank you so much!