Don't take that risk unless absolutely required. It may not strike now, but according to new rules, PNP review happens after one year of PR.
I don't think that's correct...
I hope it is not

From my personal's view, this is obviously not correct. I did some research and have some finding. On IRCC's requirements for BOWP page:
"For certain employer-driven streams in the PNC, the nominating province or territory may impose employment restrictions on a successful nominee until the person becomes a permanent resident. If employment restrictions are imposed, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will not issue an open work permit to the foreign national under the bridging open work permit (BOWP) Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) exemption."
It also states:
"In order to determine whether the applicant is subject to restrictions on employment, a nomination template letter has been provided to all provinces and territories. Different versions of the letter have already been implemented by several provinces and territories and are in the process of being implemented by all other provinces and territories.
This letter contains one of the following boxes, which IRCC officers can use to determine whether there are employment restrictions on the nomination. Provinces and territories have been instructed to choose “Yes” or “No” in the
Restrictions on employment field, as this will provide IRCC officers with confirmation of whether the nominee is, in fact, eligible to apply for a BOWP.
Provinces and territories may include an employer or the name of the occupation and the National Occupational Classification (NOC) code, and still indicate that there are no employment restrictions. In these cases, the applicants are eligible for an open work permit, provided they meet the other eligibility criteria. A separate letter from the applicant or the nominating province to confirm that no employment restrictions exist should not be requested."
My understanding is if someone's PNP certificate indicate no employment restriction, he/she may qualify a BOWP, which is open work permit and that means they can work for any other employer. For example, I have many friends having BCPNP, even although they have employer's name and NOC on the certificate, employment restriction section is still no, which makes me believe they don't necessarily have to stay with the same employer before getting their PR