I am from India and have lived in Germany for 5 months (From 20 Feb 2013 to 20 July 2013), which equals to 5 months. Do i need PCC for it?
In profile application, does CIC ask for actual dates like DD/MM/YYYY or just MM/YYYY. Because in second case, most systems will count both Feb and July and make it as 6 months.
If yes, can pls someone guide me how to obtain PCC from Germany when I dont know anyone there now.
I am from India and have lived in Germany for 5 months (From 20 Feb 2013 to 20 July 2013), which equals to 5 months. Do i need PCC for it?
In profile application, does CIC ask for actual dates like DD/MM/YYYY or just MM/YYYY. Because in second case, most systems will count both Feb and July and make it as 6 months.
If yes, can pls someone guide me how to obtain PCC from Germany when I dont know anyone there now.