it been 23rd day no reponse on my adr also. no new update nothing. next week it will be 6 months since my AOR and still on tracker: Eligibilty and Background in progress.
For my wife eligibilty not started background in progress.
On GcKey: latest update nov 20 medical passed, we are reviewing eligibilty, we are reviewing the adr you sent us and we are processing your backgroung check. I m stressing a lot. Can anybody tell me is eveything looking good with my application.
Same for me as well
Sep 14 AOR
Medical passed on Nov 30
Eligibility started on Feb 4
ADR on Feb 4 (Relationship questionnaire)
ADR submitted on Feb 6
ADR in review as per GC key on Feb 7
Haven't heard back anything after that.
PVO Edmonton, SVO Vancouver
I called ircc today and they told me that eligibility recommended passed on Feb 4.