Hello. My english isnt that well so i apologize for that but i have a lot of questions where i might need help. First thing first, i want to move to Canada to be with my partner of few months but also escape the toxic and abusive household i live in. A few people had recommended the conjugal partner sponsorship and it didnt look so bad and duable but there are still issues. there is a medical exam i have to do and well the issue is that i cant do it as u only can do it in a different state where i cant go due to my cultural and religious father. He is strict, not allowing me to go outside alone, tracking my every step and forbidding a lot of things. my relationship with my partner is also a secret as he had threatened me to harm me if he ever caught me having a relationship. So now im just lost and worried. I dont know what to do to be finally with my partner and leave the abusive household. please someone help me.