Hi there! Thanks a lot for this, it was super helpful! I managed to successfully link my PR Family Class (Spousal) application to my CIC account; however, I am confused about the biometrics. This is my old CIC account, used to apply for both my Working Holiday Visa and my Young Professionals visa. Therefore, I did the biometrics a couple of years ago.
before I linked up my PR application to my CIC account, I did receive the Biometrics letter to get them done again. I believe this is correct, as apparently the biometrics that I did for the other visas are not valid for the PR (what a pain!). However, on my application information on the CIC website, it says:
- We do not need your fingerprints. We will send you a message if this changes.
And, under Application details, I can see my biometrics number, date of enrolment , and expiration date.
When I look at the PR tracker, it says 'Biometrics - In Progress'.
So the question is obvious, should I do my biometrics again or not?