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October 2024 - Citizenship Applications


Full Member
Feb 29, 2024
Hey everyone, our tracker lets you compare your timeline based on month applied and processing office. Now that more test invites are coming in, you'll be able to see which regional office is processing your app. So if you're keen to see how fast/slow your app is moving relative to other people in the same position as you - link here to join


Oct 11, 2024
Hi everyone, I would appreciate a support with my application. I submitted an application for myself and 6 year old son on October 23rd, and received the AOR on November 07. The last update on my tracker was November 09, and everything has been under progress for over a month.

My questions are : 1- Is it ok for the update to take this long, and what should i expect ?
2- I received a separate AOR for my 7 year old son. Do i need to create a separate tracker for his application as well, or having one tracker is sufficient ?

Thank you so much for the support, and i wish everyone all the very best