There's an anti-asylum rhetoric building in the country with the people very unhappy how much it costs the tax payer. That's why in the 2024 budget they have quietly said they plan to make changes. Look at this here:
When Trudeau of all people starts clamping down on any immigration, it's an underlying sign of unhappiness among the general public. And they listen to citizens not anyone else.
Good initiative. All the best !(lastly, i know many people who started similar initiatives, found a MP to support it etc and then it was a generic response).. IRCC makes changes only when there's strong support from the public and the media is on board too. There has to be some pressing need where Canada needs something from the refugees/immigrants and the public share similar opinion and then finally IRCC does something (like during pandemic time). The back office political staff keep tabs on these ever changing needs and ask ministry to act accordingly. Trudeau over the years has built a good liberal base through his immigration policies and now is moving centre on immigration because of public sentiment.
All the best !