I submitted on October 23rd, received an email today requesting "As proof of relationship to your spouse please provide the Aadhaar and Voter’s ID card for yourself and your spouse. NOTE: Affidavits are not acceptable as proof of relationship." Looks like things are moving.
I got the exact same email today, I had applied on Oct 22

. What i find bizarre is they're asking as proof of relationship Aadhar card and Voter ID while i submitted my parents marriage certificate as per original checklist. I don't understand how these two documents do a better job at establishing the relationship than a marriage certificate, in fact neither of these documents even mentions the spouse's name.
The other odd thing is they asked for a new passport since my parent's is expiring in August 2024. They said the p'port should have at least 12 months validity, i dont recall reading this in the instruction guide, does anyone? I also find it odd that they are concerned about the passport expiry without looking at anything else, such as my income to sponsor, health exam, etc. Shouldn't they worry about the p'port at the end when they ask for stamping??
Anyway i find this all very confusing, looks like IRCC has an "extra" document checklist for each country of origin that they ask for whether or not it makes any sense. I'll try to collect and send these documents within 30 days like they've said.