Your father should electronically sign the form. Since he is in Vietnam, he can do it with help of your friend. You have to guide them where to sign electronically.Good evening,
Thanks for you reply!
but what about question 2? thanks!
Your father should electronically sign the form. Since he is in Vietnam, he can do it with help of your friend. You have to guide them where to sign electronically.Good evening,
Thanks for you reply!
but what about question 2? thanks!
Employer's phone number.Guys,
For the IMM 5768
Question number 14
For the employment history .there's a phone number there that must be filled out. Is that your phone number or the employers number?
From - to - Employer name / Address / PHONE NUMBER / gross income / Family size
THank you very much
Hi guys a follow up question. So for the back side of the photo is it okay if the studio details are written by us as photographer refused to write it himself.THank you very much
no. either has a common law partner.Hi all,
Do Sponsor and Applicant have to complete this form Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union [IMM 5409] (PDF, 0.78 MB )?
Sponsor - single
Applicant - divorced
Thanks !
In that case, combine your Canadian Passport and Citizenship certificate in one PDF and upload it as one file.Good afternoon all,
I have this question.
"The information in your sponsorship application must match all the information you put on your 2020 Interest to Sponsor form, including a copy of the exact status in Canada document you submitted "
I can't remember what did I use to submit interest form. Either it was Canadian passport or Canadian citizenship certificate ( I became Canadian in 2005).
How can I find out what document I used?
Thanks so much Chintan!!In that case, combine your Canadian Passport and Citizenship certificate in one PDF and upload it as one file.