1. Principal Applicant no need to open an account. Because of #2.
2. Sponsor can help acting as Representative. There are two types of Rep accounts, make sure you open a non-paid rep account, as you are sponsor and family member
3. Both Applicant and Sponsor need to sign in the 5476 form
Thanks. I just found this
https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/how-to-apply-online.html. So basically the representative couldn't submit the application online, only the Principal Applicant. Is my understanding correct?
If you want to appoint someone to do business with us on your behalf, you must:
An immigration representative (an immigration consultant or lawyer) can give you advice and help you with your application for a fee. But they can’t:
- open a portal account on your behalf
- sign the application for you
- sign into the portal using your username and password
A representative can fill out forms and communicate with us on your behalf through their own account. They can also:
- help you prepare the documents you need to upload
- answer questions about the forms
If you’re using the portal to fill out and upload your forms and supporting documents, a representative could help you with the application using screen-sharing technology.
After you read the declaration,
you must be the one who types your name. This is the legal requirement for your application to be considered “signed,” according to Canada’s immigration law.