Here's my timeline:
It's been
9 weeks since I submitted my application. My program also starts from
From India (Delhi) -
SDS Category
Application applied on - 12th June 2023
Biometric - 16th June 2023
Medical Updation - 21st June 2023
Background and Eligibility - In Process
Ghost Update in IRCC Tracker - 17 August (don't know if they are looking through my file or something else
My friend and I submitted the file together with the same profile and course but he got his PPR in just 5 days and here I am still waiting. He got his PPR in the same day as medical updation. I don't know why such a long wait for me or for SDS applications.
- I have submitted 3 webforms till now of which 2 got the same response saying it's still under process and nothing specific. They are also saying there are a lot of applications that's why it's taking time. I don't know if this is just a template or something really informative. My tracker only updated one webform that's on 10 Aug (that they have received it) and after that no updates.
- I have also ordered GCMS (costed 19$) but not received it yet.
- I also had a meeting with the immigration department of my University and they said to wait and not to fill multiple webforms. I have already submitted 3 webforms and they said not fill more than this now.
- Now I am thinking to contact the local MP of Canada to get an update from them but don't know what is the procedure in contacting them. If anyone can help me would be much appreciated.
The anxiety is just building up day by day. The wait is just killing me.