Woah I sent below web form inquiry on July 20:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am
######. I am reaching out regarding my citizenship application, which has all steps in complete status except oath ceremony which is not started since over a month, last update was on June 13th to complete language and residency requirements. I've already appeared for citizenship test back in March.
I would like request if my oath ceremony can be scheduled sooner than later this is because I work cross border and my current US visa is about to expire and if I apply for visa renewal now, it'd get printed in my current Indian passport which I'll have to surrender immediately upon becoming Canadian citizen so it would be a futile exercise and it impacts my ability to do my job / my job continuity because I have to travel to Detroit, Michigan USA for work.
Kindly request you to notify my case processing officer to consider my request for scheduling my oath ceremony as soon as reasonably feasible.
As I'm about to become a citizen, this will likely be my last request to your amazing team for assistance regarding an immigration matter. Thank you for all the support you have provided so far, starting from my PR application back in 2014 to now becoming a citizen, appreciate all the help truly.
Thank you
And today I just saw this update: