Dear All,
I have completed MBA from University of East London (UEL) in 2006 and applied through WES from India. When I contacted UEL to send my credential to WES, they replied me through email below....
'We regret that we are unable to produce full academic transcripts (nor syllabi/course documents) or a replacement degree certificate and verification of awards because the information being requested is no longer retained on the University database. We are not required to retain individual mark data, either for our own operational needs or to fulfil our statutory obligations. We have a records management and disposal policy that conforms to the requirements of public statutes including, inter alia, the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Acts, which discourage the retention of personal data by institutions beyond the time when it is no longer relevant to the operational needs of the data holder.'
How can I convince WES that UEL policy and Data Protection Act, UK doesn't maintain database results records for third party verification for studies completed back 6 years?
Please advice me to get MBA evaluation in WES in this scenario.
Appreciate your suggestions. Thanks