Some Background:
Early this year there were proposed changes to the regulations that would ostensibly allow the Minister to adopt procedures that could include online oath proceedings for applicants outside Canada, but it was not clear that is what the Minister would implement when the changes took effect.
Those changes, in the regulations governing the oath of citizenship, were scheduled to take effect in June, but until quite recently there has been no indication they were approved and taking effect. And meanwhile it has remained unclear what changes in actual practices would follow.
The Justice Laws website is an authoritative source which publishes the official statutes and regulations. It still does not show these changes in regulation to be in effect BUT as of today it is only current to July 25, 2023, and the reports that IRCC is allowing the oath abroad have just emerged since then. (Note, Regulations in effect until at least July 25, which would not allow for the oath outside Canada for 5(1) grants of citizenship except with special authorization, that is Regulations 19 to 24, are here: . . . subject to change any day now it seems).
There is a possibility that IRCC could implement such a change, to more broadly allow taking the oath outside Canada, pursuant to changes in interpreting how the current regulations apply to online ceremonies, but that is a very tangled weedy tangent and seems quite unlikely, so I'll leave it at that, at noting the possibility.
In any event, other than those who are in fact being scheduled for the oath and being given clear instruction that they can take the oath abroad, the rest of us should WAIT and SEE what additional information becomes available. If this change is being broadly implemented information about it and confirming this should SOON start showing up in multiple authoritative sources.
Some sources for reference:
Extensive list of PDIs regarding citizenship, including group under title "Ceremonies and promotion, which in turn includes link to oath ceremonies in particular:
PDI for Oath of Citizenship: . . . but last updated more than two years ago
Link to Manual for "Citizenship delivery abroad" is here: . . . also out of date . . . July 2020 . . . but is nonetheless a good source for how things work up until now.