How did you get your RTD in just 20 days?
I sent the documents(Notice of decision, 2 photos, and form PPTC 190) as per their website on March 21st, 2023 to Gatineau by UPS next-day delivery with a tracking number. I had to make my doctor my guarantor because my lawyer's secretary told me that the lawyer stopped being a guarantor for the travel docs. I wasn't nervous at all after she said that because I have a very good term with my doctor and he didn't hesitate at all to be my guarantor and sign for me. There was this below question on their site when you start the application.
"When do you need the travel document?"
1. 30 business days or less
2. 31 business days or more
I selected the 2nd option "31 business days or more"
I received a notification on my door from Canada Post on April 9th to collect it from a particular local Canada Post near my house the next day after 1 PM and asked to bring a piece of my ID(I used my Quebec Driver's License). I went there and came back home with a smile and some happy tears.