Just saw on the tracker that I'm scheduled for July 7th! It was updated June 24th on the tracker. Applied in Dec 2021, took test in Oct 2022, only like 18 months wait

I am so excited and proud it is finally happening!
The one challenge is that I ll be in Calgary that day (I am from Montreal). Is there anyway I can figure out if it will be in person or online ? Still haven't got the email, but I understand the email might arrive super last minute. If it s online, i can be in Calgary and not worry about it, but if it's in person i need to figure out a last minute plan to find a way to be back in Montréal that day (I am not asking them to reschedule, I am too scared they just make me wait another six months without news again) But last minute plan get more and more complicated and costly every minute i wait for the email..
Any idea or thing I can do to find out if I will be online or in person? (beside just waiting for the email)