Hi, I am an Ontario resident and applied for my mother on November 24, 2022. I also got the OVS SPR eligibility decision letter with the application num on April 05, 2023. They have requested a bunch of information and stated ' If not already included in your application). When I called the IRCC, it says no document was requested at this moment.
1. Do I need to provide all the documents again? (Updated residential address, RPRF, Passport/travel doc, Proof of relationship, Biometric, Medical(the request will send separately), police certificate, IMM5562 & CV)
2. My mom currently lives in Canada with a super visa. Do I need to update her residential address?
3. Police certificate - Does she need to provide both India and Canada PCC
Also, I am trying to link my application to GCKey. Do I need to create a new one? Bcz mom and I have separate GCKey. confused with which account we need to link the application to. Tried from my mom's account and couldn't link.