You are in very good company. Don't worry. As we are discovering, the last few days of July, and July 16th in particular, were very busy days for Stream B, Non-Healthcare, English, which means that this stream was back-end loaded (lots of applicants towards the end) whereas IG Stream was front-end loaded with everyone applying on May 6/7th.
It appears that different streams are being handled by different areas (based on different skillsets needed to review eligibility requirements between IG stream versus Steam A/B), but within each steam, there seems to be a very approximate processing by application date &/or AOR.
IG Steam filled up right away because most of them likely already had English Language tests in hand, and by definition had already graduated, and had no need for 1560 hrs of essential worker NOC work -- they only had to be employed in any NOC. If many of the Stream B's were like me, we had to scramble to get places for English Language tests which instantly filled when the program was announced -- I had to 'wait' to test & literally applied the day I got my results. (Seriously, getting all of my documents gathered, passport updated during Covid closures, then toggling English test centres for better dates, was like living a James Bond movie!! -- "Casino Royale"

-- and I'm sure I'm not the only one.)
This might be more than you were asking ... just sharing! Best wishes.