That is true here its says on my parents biometrics tooyou might be right. I have emailed my lawyer this question let’s see what he says.
Hopefully if I have to pay this fee IRCC will accept it. Little scared as application status say returned.
RE: validity of your biometric information
Thank you for providing your biometric information (i.e. digital fingerprints and photograph) in
support of your temporary resident application to Canada. The purpose of this letter is to notify
you that your biometric information is valid until 2029/12/09 (yyyy/mm/dd) for subsequent
temporary resident applications to Canada.
What you need to know for subsequent temporary resident (TR) applications:
Please keep this letter for future reference. Your biometric information must be valid for the
duration of your temporary stay in Canada.
You wiInot be required to provide your biometric information again in support of any
subsequent temporary resident applications you make within the validity date indicated
However, if you wish to extend the validity of your permit or visa beyond the validity date
indicated above you can provide your biometric information again and pay the associated
fee for another ten-year validity.
Please note that you will be required to provide your biometric information in support of any
permanent resident application, even if you apply within the validity date indicated above.
This last part says so i guess will need to biometrics no matter if we had previously!!