My husband and I both found it pretty easy, although he struggled a little with remembering the names!
But we both found working through the online practice tests and especially going through the booklet a couple times really made it simpler
There is no getting around the fact that going through the booklet is the best chance for the test
Definitely needed to remember a lot of the names related to the history of Canada and who did what when.
Also, I personally found that just reading through the questions slowly and then answering helps too - the questions are not a direct match to the online practice tests, but they ask for the same information, so going through the practice test questions (and correlating them with the information in the booklet) can make the facts stick better in your brain (it did for me anyway

To be honest 30 minutes is MORE than enough time to answer all the questions, review any questions you are unsure of, and submit your test.
I think everyone has more than average chance of scoring 20/20