Will likely be difficult getting a job in for example in a law firm. Maybe secretarial but jobs in law firms are in general tough to get even for lawyers. Do you have job experience from a well known employer. Well paying desk jobs are tough to come by for Canadian graduates who are 24 so would have realistic expectations.
Thanks for the answer and your time! I totally understand your point. It's very insightful.
I worked as a court reporter in a court of law. I quit it in a year, since I didn't want to be a part of a corrupted system as I witnessed the corruption and injustice myself. Now, I work as a junior lawyer in a small IT Law boutique. That, sadly, doesn't fall into the category of well-known employees.
The reason I am asking is that I want to better understand what skills are marketable in Canada before coming there. I can try to acquire new ones while it's still relatively safe where I'm situated at the moment.
I graduated in 2020 and I stopped seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses shortly after. In Canada, I just want to be financially self-sustainable, enjoy safe life and contribute to the community that cares about well-being of its members.