You should be okay. Emails can support larger attachments. I think the reason they ask to submit attachments with a smaller size on the portal is so as to not burden their servers with massive attachments. But emails are okay.Hi all, I also received an email from IRCC asking to resubmit IMM 5476 (Use of a Representative) using hand-written signatures. I did the whole print-->sign-->scan-->convert to PDF process and emailed it back to IRCC as an attachment. It's been over 3 weeks and I still haven't heard anything back about whether they've received my new form.
A thought occurs: nowhere did the email from IRCC mention any size limit on attachments, but I do recall when first submitting my application that the portal has a size limit of 4MB per file.
Do you think the same 4MB size limit applies to documents emailed to IRCC? Mine is slightly over at 4.3MB. I would hate for my application to be returned or rejected due to something as trivial as this.