Hi! Wanna help out your guys. I applied Spouse Open Work Permit for my husband. We live way up north so he mail the passport to London using Royal mail. The package include:
1) passport;
2) Original Passport Request letter;
3) signed VFS-ConsentForm page 1-2;
4) bank transfer proof for One-Way Courier Service within UK (per package)
In my case, since my husband give biometric in Hong Kong 1 year ago, and now submit passport in UK (different VAC), he need to pay Package Transmission fees also and include the bank transfer proof in the mail package.
My timeline:
17 Nov 2022 - Original Passport Request received
17 Nov 2022 - Sent original passport to VFS London using Royal mail
21 Nov 2022 - Your application, tracking ID No. xxx has been dispatched to the IRCC Office,on Mon Nov 21 2022 for processing.
22 Nov 2022 - Your application, tracking ID No.xxx has been received and is under process at the IRCC Office on Tue Nov 22 2022
28 Nov 2022 - The decision envelope for your application, tracking ID No. xxx has been dispatched from the IRCC Office, to the Canada Visa Application Centre in Embassy CVO.
28 Nov 2022 - The decision envelope for your application, tracking ID No. xxx has been received from the IRCC Office on Mon Nov 28 2022 at the Canada Visa Application Centre, Canada Visa Application Centre, London and is ready for collection.If you already paid for courier your passport will be sent out on the same day via courier partner. For details on the location and hours of operation of our VAC, please refer to our website at:. Please note this is an auto generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this email.
29 Nov 2022 - The decision envelope for your application, tracking ID No. xxx has been couriered from the Canada Visa Application Centre, Canada Visa Application Centre, London on Tue Nov 29 2022 via courier partner. Please use Tracking id. or the AWB number provided to track the shipment on the courier partners website after 24hrs.
7 Dec 2022 - Finally receive my passport via DHL (VFS London make mistake on sending my passport, you may find my story on another post)
In general situation, the visa printing (for temporary resident visa) process takes 4-8 weeks for your passport to be returned. In my situation, we planned to travel to Thailand on 4Dec, and already bought air tickets and hotel before everything happens. Then we got the Original Passport Request letter on 17Nov, and request us give out passport in 30 days. By that time I thought we got enough time so I mailed the passport out. Then I look on this forum (especially this post) and found out it takes very long time to return the passport.

So I email to Canada embassy in London (email: ldnimmigration @ international.gc.ca) and state my situation. They are so helpful and assist me.

But again in general they will only respond to urgent cases include illness, death and other humanitarian reasons. I am just very lucky they assisted me. Then I am very unlucky that VFS delayed sending the passport out so eventually I can’t catch the flight. LOL
Most information can be found on VFS website. I also called VFS London hotline and Canada embassy in London hotline to get help. The hotline is not very busy, so if you can’t find answer online you can try call them.