Very interesting outlook. The reason why I personally stopped getting involved in all the 'Canada is useless' discussion is how subjective it is. We all are not experience Canada the same way, and I certainly believe everyone should be able to share their experience, being careful not to assume that's how Canada as a whole is. What irks me is the generalisation about Canada. What you experience is a part of Canada and using a specific experience to paint the whole country does not seem fair to me.
My experience since being in Canada have been very different from most:
1. I didn't come to Canada to make money or get better job - life was pretty good for me economically prior to coming here (in fact coming to Canada meant a drop in income for my husband and I, $ for $). I came here to give my kids a better opportunity and quality of life - something that money cannot buy where I was coming from.
2. My Spouse and I work in IT. I have almost 2 decades of work experience, my husband even more. I am currently studying and working full time. My job is a senior-ish role, but not where I was back home. My husband was lucky enough to get a managerial role similar to where he was back home.
3. Rent and house prices where we live is much better, compared to other parts of Canada, particularly the parts where people like to flock to. We were able to buy our own property within 10 months of being here.
4. I haven't really worried about friendship etc cos I have my family and people generally are not my thing

. Our neighbour to the right are elderly white couple and very friendly, we've met most of their family cos they bring them over whenever they visit. The family to our left are Indians and shy

5. I live in Regina. My family have thankfully been healthy, but the few times we have needed a doctor's consultation, we've waited a few hours at most and had a choice of pick. We have had to wait to see a dentist for 1 week, but that was really because I wasn't willing to drive farther from my neighbourhood, and it was not urgent.
6. The level of service is not great where I live - seems like that is something that might be general all over Canada

. I believe this is because there are few handymen or tradespeople to service the number of requests. Even corporate business offerings leave a lot to be desired. However, they provide you this shoddy service with a smile, which is a welcomed difference for me - where I come from, you get shoddy service AND a scowl

With regards to job security, I actually think they are slower about firing here than what I've experienced in the past. People (especially the permanently employed/union members) do the barest minimum with no consequence. It's shocking.
Having said this, I will be really foolish to think my own positive experience defines Canada. It's like the analogy of blind people touching an elephant in different places and coming to different conclusions.
Everyone is right in their assertion, because that is their experience. Not only that, your situation before coming to Canada will also shape how you experience it.