When you look at the tracker, people received their test invitation pretty soon after the background check was completed.
But mine was completed on September 1st and I still did not receive my invitation! This is more than 3 weeks ago now.
This makes no sense when you see that other people who applied online from Toronto got their background check done after me and already received their test invitation ! What's the difference with me? That is the part that is frustrating : did they forget me or is there something in the process that i/we don't know and takes more time?
But mine was completed on September 1st and I still did not receive my invitation! This is more than 3 weeks ago now.
This makes no sense when you see that other people who applied online from Toronto got their background check done after me and already received their test invitation ! What's the difference with me? That is the part that is frustrating : did they forget me or is there something in the process that i/we don't know and takes more time?