Hello, I would like to know if anyone has official information about when you send your visitor visa extension. I'm inside Canada and every 6 months I renew my stay as a Visitor. I usually send my extension 1 month before my expiration date, that takes few months (usually 3 to 4 months), but this time I sent everything in Feb 26, and my visitor record exipires on March 26, but as today Sept 14 2022, still no update on my file, like I mentioned I was expecting to receive my Visitor Record by June or July at the latest, but nothing arrives yet, so what should I do? I tried to send a new application on Aug 26 since supposedly this new application should end on Sept 26, but when filing the application they requires the last Visitor Record number, and that one expires in last March 26, so for sure will be problems, so any advice or experience will be very appriciated, thanks in advance!