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>>>>>> 2021 TR to PR Pathway AOR & Timelines <<<<<< Join here


Hero Member
Aug 7, 2020
I called the customer support centre couple of times and i always got the same answer that everything else is passed except criminality.
Oh okay. IRCC officers didn't follow the fixed pattern to process tr2pr. For some, criminality is the first step whereas for others, it is the last step. So, in your case, you are almost done. If they do a normal criminality check, you should receive the portal soon. But if they advanced criminality check, it can take from one month up to one year.


Champion Member
Jul 21, 2021
App. Filed.......
When will I get my OWP? I can’t stay without work for long. These pos have ruined so many lives.


Champion Member
Jul 21, 2021
App. Filed.......
have visited a few countries but never come across such a pathetic Immigration system & loser Immigration minister
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Apr 6, 2017
Did anybody fill a different email in the reply to confirmation portal email…I applied with 3 dependants, 1 confirmation came to my email and 3 went to my husband’s email and In the spot to provide email for portal, I provided my husband's email. Is that going to cause any problem?


Star Member
Nov 13, 2021
When will I get my OWP? I can’t stay without work for long. These pos have ruined so many lives.
Can you not work at the moment? If you have applied for an extension of your work permit, isn't it like you can still work under implied status?


Star Member
Nov 13, 2021
have visited a few countries but never come across such a pathetic Immigration system & loser Immigration minister
Honestly, it has gone bad during the pandemic years. Otherwise, Canada's express entry was pretty much the most attractive and efficient PR stream of any other english-speaking country. I just remind myself many times that even when the processing has gone bad, Canada still has been very welcoming to immigrants making it easier and faster and less expensive. Australia and New Zealand charge way too much and they process applications for years. Same with US and UK. If any of us were in other countries, we won't even have a stream like that to become a permanent resident at first place. So I kinda humble myself every time when I get mad at the processing times. If it wasn't for Canada's welcoming immigration policies, I'd be still be sitting in India with no quality of life and uncertain future. On top of that, I'm gay. I'd most likely be socially outcasted lol back home. So let's just be glad as much as IRCC sucks now. It won't help anyone if Canada were to take tougher stance like Australia, NZ, US, or UK.


Star Member
Nov 13, 2021
Actually this loser Fraser is the main culprit. I got my Marco’s 18 month work permit in like 5-6 weeks
Honestly, Fraser is very new. He can't really make it faster right away. On top of that, he's just the minister who sets policies. The whole IRCC department is a lot of bureaucracy. His policies might not see fruition for a long time. At the end, it also comes down to senior IRCC officers and how they run the department.
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Champion Member
Jul 21, 2021
App. Filed.......
Can you not work at the moment? If you have applied for an extension of your work permit, isn't it like you can still work under implied status?
I don't have job at the moment, been trying but nothing yet and with very short work permit, no good employer is willing to offer a good role. Even a bit difficult with some store jobs atm


Champion Member
Jul 21, 2021
App. Filed.......
Honestly, it has gone bad during the pandemic years. Otherwise, Canada's express entry was pretty much the most attractive and efficient PR stream of any other english-speaking country. I just remind myself many times that even when the processing has gone bad, Canada still has been very welcoming to immigrants making it easier and faster and less expensive. Australia and New Zealand charge way too much and they process applications for years. Same with US and UK. If any of us were in other countries, we won't even have a stream like that to become a permanent resident at first place. So I kinda humble myself every time when I get mad at the processing times. If it wasn't for Canada's welcoming immigration policies, I'd be still be sitting in India with no quality of life and uncertain future. On top of that, I'm gay. I'd most likely be socially outcasted lol back home. So let's just be glad as much as IRCC sucks now. It won't help anyone if Canada were to take tougher stance like Australia, NZ, US, or UK.
Agreed with most of your points except the part of "no quality of life" in India. Yes, it's not as developed as 1st World countries but it is amongst the top powers across various dimensions be it GDP, nuclear strength, defence etc. Also when I moved here, except for big cities, most of the mid-sized cities and towns were not comparable to the things we have back at home, I am not sure which city/town in India you're from but in quite a few places India is doing well. But I agree with majority of your other points.


Champion Member
Jul 21, 2021
App. Filed.......
Honestly, Fraser is very new. He can't really make it faster right away. On top of that, he's just the minister who sets policies. The whole IRCC department is a lot of bureaucracy. His policies might not see fruition for a long time. At the end, it also comes down to senior IRCC officers and how they run the department.
Agreed to a point but then Marco was new too, at his time it wasn't this bad and that was somewhere around peak of Covid unlike now where they're just using these "Covid" excuses. Also, that's fine being new and agreed to the point of officers not doing their job properly or the system. But look at him, he doesn't even acknowledge the issue of backlog, never seen him expressing views or plans of curtailing backlogs. I know some of the people here support him but from a neutral point he is a disaster. If it weren't for protests and outcry, he wouldnt' have even launched PGWP extension or reopened EE draws but then again I think all these are for more $$ despite accumulating so much of $$ over the last 1.5 year. Also why to keep taking more and more applications when you're not capable of finishing old ones which are pending since years? Yes, quite a few got pr but nothing has happened for lot of people too. Why they didn't open many files till 1 year? It doesn't matter the length to an extent but then they didn't even assign a Visa officer in my case for 1 year and I had to reach out to MPs and do so much to get them open my file after 1 year. Now they doing with my OWP too, no VO is assigned to my OWP since 2 months and I don't think they will until 4 months or 5 months. This is what is pissing, no accountability, no communication. Only taking people as numbers, $$, to achieve their monetary/other goals. That's what I want to criticize and rightly so. I understand I been very negative but our experiences are different and I dont' want to share everything on a public forum but it's been quite a bit of torture for me for me to react like this since a while.


Star Member
Nov 13, 2021
Agreed with most of your points except the part of "no quality of life" in India. Yes, it's not as developed as 1st World countries but it is amongst the top powers across various dimensions be it GDP, nuclear strength, defence etc. Also when I moved here, except for big cities, most of the mid-sized cities and towns were not comparable to the things we have back at home, I am not sure which city/town in India you're from but in quite a few places India is doing well. But I agree with majority of your other points.
India does have great GDP, nuclear strength, and defence. But it doesn’t really come down to a normal person’s quality of life. Our population still is too high for GDP to effectively do anything. That brings us to a country with extremely low gdp per capita. Canada’s small towns are great. For sure they don’t match India’s small towns because small towns in India are still big, but I love small towns here for the laidback quality of life. Perth and Smith Falls for example are my favorite. Great towns. India does have great potential. For me, quality of life boils down to what a country has to offer besides big economy. Healthcare in India is bad. There are great private hospitals, but think about it. How mant people can afford those private hospital? Growing up in Punjab, I always wondered what if we had a fire, or my parents had a medical emergency, there’s no system in place to call anyone. Millions of people die across India because they are so far from nearby hospitals and there is no emergency system. Also, we had a road construction thing back home. Out of 26 crores, only 2 crore went into the construction. The road broke within a week. Rest of 24 crores went to politicians. Here, almost all small towns unless they are in north, have their own hospitals and ER and surgical departments. If ambulance can’t reach u on time, helicopter will. Again no country is perfect tbh. But Canada does a really good job in providing one of the best standards of living. What I absolutely hate about India is that our country is democratic just on paper. In real, it’s an autocratic country. People can’t for fuck sakes stop fighting over stupid religions. Every law seems to take a religion into account completely dismissing a person’s freedom of choice. Violence and prejudice against women is what drives me nuts. Recently, a sexual offender in Kerala was acquitted because the woman was wearing provocative clothes. Really? If this is happening in the most educated state, what’s happening at other places? Corruption is so bad in India. Police services are the worst. Infrastructure investments are bad. Besides few good areas, our entire country has no infrastructure. Roads are downright bad. Sewage is non-existent. Ignorance towards environment is baffling. There’s no system in place to tackle the amount of pollution an average Indian produces. What blew my mind here in Ottawa is that how the city sends a notice to people when there is a road construction close by. They mentioned a link to a pdf, almost 200 pages where the whole road design was detailed and they explained how they are using world class technology to construct this road and how professionally written that pdf was with diagrams and what not. That’s another level of a functioning society. Canada was rated as the most fiscally responsible country in the world besides Australia. In India, when we do have the money, there’s no fiscal accountability. Our government is downright bad and nationalistic turning a nation with huge potential into a communist country. The hate against minorities is so bad. Muslim girls get so much sexual violence and nothing is done. Majority of our country can’t take criticism against India. For them, it’s the best. What makes me mad is, we need to accept that India has huge problems and not get mad when foreigners point it out. Recent promotional videos from BJP hiring bollywood to effectively advertise India on social media was maddening. All these problems have a single toot cause….corrupt government with no real leaders who can advocate for human rights and fiscal economy and progressive views. As the largest democracy, we should be showing the world how to protect human rights regardless of sex and sexual orientation and religion etc. but we don’t. Because so many people don’t have human rights in India. Anyway, for me, quality of life boils down to healthcare, education, freedom of living, keeping religion in your personal life and not forcing it into somebody’s ass, not bringing god into every fucking thing you could imagine, progressive views, infrastructure, less corruption, people should be free to marry and love whoever they want out of their religions and cultures, no violence against anyone especially women, etc. Canada wins in that. As much as I love India, our own govt. and people have destroyed it. It’s not India’s problem, it’s the people living inside it who refuse to educate themselves and progress and change their ways of living. Only thing they can blame for their own failure now is British people. If UK can go from a heavily conservative and religious nation to a progressive nation with far better human rights record than India, why can’t we? It’s all our stupid government regardless of there parties. It’s same across the board. Uneducated politicians who still think that they are in 1970. Modi govt. recently banned all his members to support freedom of marriage act that could have given people the freedom to marry whoever they love regardless of their sexual orientation. No, apparently, India’s cultural values don’t align with that. Like what the hell is culture? What cultural values are they talking about? We are supposed to be a democracy. Why so many guys and girls face violence and honor killings from their families if they have interracial love? Etc etc etc. i just am happy for every single woman that has gone abroad to Canada, UK, Australia etc. good for them. So many Indian guys here in Canada are like “girls forget their cultural values here” like what? Are they mad because they can’t control women here like they did back home? Anyway that’s my rant. I love India, but not the govt. and majority of these people for which our nation has to suffer. Great country with great culture but only if for once our people and govt. unite together and make it a true democracy free of corruption and responsible govt. that’s when India will unlock it’s potential. Oh, also, I hope india passes a law to separate law and religion completely. Religion should be a personal choice, it shouldn’t come into laws for a country as diverse as India. One and equal law and human rights should always have the utmost power over any religion or whatever a religious book says…ciao ☺
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Star Member
Nov 13, 2021
Agreed to a point but then Marco was new too, at his time it wasn't this bad and that was somewhere around peak of Covid unlike now where they're just using these "Covid" excuses. Also, that's fine being new and agreed to the point of officers not doing their job properly or the system. But look at him, he doesn't even acknowledge the issue of backlog, never seen him expressing views or plans of curtailing backlogs. I know some of the people here support him but from a neutral point he is a disaster. If it weren't for protests and outcry, he wouldnt' have even launched PGWP extension or reopened EE draws but then again I think all these are for more $$ despite accumulating so much of $$ over the last 1.5 year. Also why to keep taking more and more applications when you're not capable of finishing old ones which are pending since years? Yes, quite a few got pr but nothing has happened for lot of people too. Why they didn't open many files till 1 year? It doesn't matter the length to an extent but then they didn't even assign a Visa officer in my case for 1 year and I had to reach out to MPs and do so much to get them open my file after 1 year. Now they doing with my OWP too, no VO is assigned to my OWP since 2 months and I don't think they will until 4 months or 5 months. This is what is pissing, no accountability, no communication. Only taking people as numbers, $$, to achieve their monetary/other goals. That's what I want to criticize and rightly so. I understand I been very negative but our experiences are different and I dont' want to share everything on a public forum but it's been quite a bit of torture for me for me to react like this since a while.
Yeah, I am not a fan of the entire liberal govt. I very much support a lot of things liberals have done for Canada just like majority of Canadians do…like taking tougher stance on gun control so that Canada doesn’t turn into the mad neighbor we have in south and human rights and lgbtq rights and what not. For progressive values, liberals will always win. The only thing I want liberals to do is change their leader and have someone who can be an effective leader, not a downright joke. Chrystia Freeland needs to go back to school to learn finance too. Canada needs a new leader. Justin Trudeau is too politically correct now and everything against this guy’s beliefs is racism. Liberals play racism card like no other ignoring the real issues of this country.