I want to tell my experience:have you received any email to confirm the score? if so how many days after you completed the test?
- Citizenship test Aug 2022
- Score: 20/20
- Automatically after the last answer of the test, on the display of computer it showed the score, impossible you people after the test , didn’t see that.
- NO email received
- After 2 or 3 days Immigration is going to update to green light “ Completed

- After 2 or 3 months IRCC is going to ask for colour copies of passport ( don’t forget to translate the stamps).
- After …. Only God knows how long the procedure is going to last
- If you gave the Test from outside of Canada, possible to be asked for proof of exit/ entry , (before/ after test )
- Keep and save all the e tickets & boarding passes of all the trips, the years from the period of becoming PR - Citizenship ceremony. Never say never!
- Be patient & everything is going to end positively!