Hi,I have applied for 23rd NOV 2021 I didn't either receive any response yet , no AOR or file # yet, pls let me know if you took any additional action ? Thank you.
Yes, that is AORwhat is subject of aor written on aor letter. ? I recd this letter . Is this aor
This letter confirms that your Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class was received
by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) at the Case Processing Centre in
on behalf of the following family member(s):
That's a useful link about connecting to GCKEY. But it didn't work in my case. Tried with application number + Last name. We have one primary applicant, one sponsor, one co-sponsor, there are 5 other dependants mentioned in IMM0008, but they are not applying..so tried 7,8,2,3,4 as a number of dependants and nothing workedlinking is not mandatory. if you haven't linked yet, requests will be sent by email or mail as indicated in your IMM0008, ie, they will continue to send you email for requests.
if down the road, you can link the application, you will ONLY receive requests in myIRCC account. and if the request is for documents, a place holder will open up for you to upload.
Try with UCI and no of applicant 3.That's a useful link about connecting to GCKEY. But it didn't work in my case. Tried with application number + Last name. We have one primary applicant, one sponsor, one co-sponsor, there are 5 other dependants mentioned in IMM0008, but they are not applying..so tried 7,8,2,3,4 as a number of dependants and nothing worked
But the UCI provided in AOR letter is for the sponsor as per the link. I don't have UCI for the primary applicantTry with UCI and no of applicant 3.
Great congratulations where’s your file location?got a message on the CIC-(gc key) account
All information of sponsor and no of applicant 3Great congratulations where’s your file location?
Same with me. In the review of addition documents is shows the additional documents you provided have been uploaded. Also the current status is submitted.I also received the same request and submitted Form IMM0149e in GCkey account before the due date. The application status, under "Review of additional documents" shows "The additional documents you provided have been uploaded." Yours is uploaded or received, kindly reply
What you use the f12 trick what status do you see?Hope everyone is doing well. I submitted the file for my mom through IRCC portal on Dec 1, 2021. CIC requested some additional documents which we submitted on April 27, 2022 and status on IRCC portal is still showing as "Returned". We only got assigned temporary file number which starts with XF. Wondering if there is anything to do from my end? For eg: F12 trick?
Same as yours, ID is 7 now, earlier it was 10. Earlier there was other info also as updated date etc, now only submittedat is there which shows the submission date and timeSame with me. In the review of addition documents is shows the additional documents you provided have been uploaded. Also the current status is submitted.
What is your status using F12 trick? Mine is changed from 10 to 7 now and can't see the last date that the file has been updated.
The "Details" column where I uploaded the Documents read as "Replacement Provided" along with the Uploaded filename. I guess when they start reviewing the docs, it changes to "Replacement Received" and under Details of Application status->Review of additional documents-""Review start Date & We are reviewing the additional docs you provided" will appear.same with me. uploaded docs in gckey in May. One day after submission the status changed to "The additional documents you provided have been uploaded." And it stays that way ever since. It's been almost a month now.
Maybe the "received" status is only for ppl who sent docs over other channel, like email or webform. Just my guess.
Actually all requests so far have been made to both except PCC request.Was the biometrics only for principal applicant as well? Or the dependant got biometrics letter as well?
I am asking as the my brother is sponsoring our parents and only the principal applicant got biometrics letter but the dependant on the application did not.