After 7 years of wait we finally received invitation for medical.
Not 7, but probably 2 years of nothing since biometrics.
Anyway. We applied for parents sponsorship and thats what we put in application.
Now they are asking parents to complete medical as well as obtain police clearance, and that is all fine.
But brother, who we are not sponsoring is also required to obtain police clearance since age of 18.
We did not, neither we could, apply for him, so why they are asking for his medical and police clearance if he is not applicant?
He is not a criminal, but it happened that the guy studied in France for a year, lived n South Korea, Thailand and USA, in each over 6 months. Now we are supposed to get police clearanace in 30 days from all these countries, where he lived over 10 years ago.
Has anyone had to do the same? It doesnt make sense to us