Why are you emailing? All communications need to be formalized through case-specific enquiry (web form)
Hi Shantanu275!
Yeah, I know that the web form has to be used for this purpose.
However, the situation was a little bit more complex than I wanted it to be: in the ADR it was mentioned clearly that not only should I upload the requested docs directly into my application, but also send via email:
The problem was that the email didn't not contain the email address to which I should send the requested documents.

So, asked for an advise on this forum and according to responses I got here, I sent the requested docs to the VO my application was processed at, as I clearly was asked in the ADR. Later, I got the response from the VO to my initial email that the docs were too big so they should be resized. Since there was no "Do not reply to this email" phrase in this mail and no information about using the web form, so, I just sent the resized docs back as a response the VO's e-letter. A few days later I got an empty email from the VO. I mentioned it
Because of these lines in the email:
I assume it was some kind of a notification that the docs had been accepted. But I'm not sure because I've always expected that IRCC use the word 'client' regarding us, real clients of IRCC. I suppose it's some kind of a copy-paste mistake.
Another important moment: a couple of days before I got the email in which I was asked to resize the docs, I had received a certain email from IRCC, in which there had been such lines:
So, as it clear now, the requested docs have already been attached to my application. I can even see them in the uploaded documents section within my CIC application.
The whole situation is pretty stupid and unclear. So, I assume that an officer from the Ottawa VO wrote me back regarding the same docs I'd uploaded into my CIC account and sent to the VO via email because of the lack of coordination within the VO. An officer just saw the email with an attachment over 5 Mb, so they had to write back without checking that docs had already been included to my file.
I'd be very grateful if
@legalfalcon could clarify whether I'm right or wrong.