This is what I filled -
- There are two fields, National Identification Number and Previous Passport Number. What do we need to fill in there? - Left both blank. No national ID and this is the 1st Canadian passport, so no previous passport.
- Also what should be uploaded for the Employment Letter? - I uploaded a letter from my employer.
- My father is deceased, how to fill in that? - Not sure about this. Probably put (Late) before his name. But check with BLS
- The applicant's passport details should be based on the Canadian passport, right? The sample form on the BLS website says it needs to be as per the Indian passport which creates confusion. - I entered Canadian Passport details here. Indian passport details will come under previous nationality.
- Can we use debit card to pay for the fee or the draft is mandatory? Mandatory Draft of $345 favouring the Consulate.. BLS fees can be paid by cash or debit.
- Do we need to self-attest documents before uploading? - Not required.. but physical copies should be self attested