Agree that the ongoing level of WFH isn’t clear and even if you have to go into the office semi-frequently commuting distance will still be an issue. Really depends on your longterm plans. The Canadian housing market makes zero sense and has become unaffordable for most. The time for action to keep housing from huge increases was in the early 2000s but instead governments increased loan terms, made borrowing easier and allowed housing as a proportion of GDP to get to levels where it will hurt a lot to pull back. Most countries hoped that insurance rates would increase and price increases would decrease to reasonable levels. At this point Intergenerational wealth has allowed many under 40 to get into housing and pay for things like daycare in cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Baby boomers and those who got into the housing market earlier have made millions doing nothing. politicians know something needs to be done but nothing will bring back prices to where they really should be based on median incomes and the 40+ year olds, who tend to be the large percentage of home owners, also vote so they don’t want to do anything to lose those voters. Such a mess.