Just bear in mind, you will lose a lot of money while you process a refund of GIC. They charge extremely high rates when you transfer them and even higher when you ask for a refund. My money has been sitting with them for over 15 months so clearly they made a lot of profit with it already. And now with a refund, they are milking it even more apart from the CAD 20 they charge. Exchange rates are very good now as compared to when I did the initial transfer so at least they should transfer the same amount at least.
Such a shameful business practice and the sad part is the victims are mainly from 3rd world countries where you cant just digest a loss of such a hard-earned amount.
When planning your budget, keep these losses in mind should things not work out.
Such a shameful business practice and the sad part is the victims are mainly from 3rd world countries where you cant just digest a loss of such a hard-earned amount.
When planning your budget, keep these losses in mind should things not work out.