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A new guide for immigrant women has recently been released by the province of Manitoba. The guide was developed by a committee of community and government representatives. It offers advice on resources and services and provides information on issues such as legal rights, child care, and housing.

"The guide takes into account the unique settlement experiences and needs of immigrant women, providing helpful hints and contact information for a wide range of services and supports across the province," states Manitoba Labour and Immigration Minister, Nancy Allan.

The guide will be available at www.manitoba.ca/msw.

Furthermore, Canadian Minister of State (Status of Women) Helena Guergis has recently announced funding of $314,000 for a project called "Being a Canadian Muslim Woman in the 21st Century", which will be implemented in partnership with the Canadian Council for Muslim Women. The goal of the project is to equip young Muslim women in Canada with leadership skills and knowledge about their rights for gender and racial equality.

Additionally, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Canada Minister Jason Kenney recently announced $441,000 of funding for a project called "MY CANADA", which seeks to promote cross-cultural understanding.

The program focuses on Muslim youth, teaching inter-cultural dialogue at multi-faith sessions for Muslim and non-Muslim youth in schools and community centres across Canada.

"This project demonstrates the importance of promoting common understanding and mutual respect - the basic building blocks to achieve peace and stability here in Canada and elsewhere in the world," stated Minister Kenney.